Arrests Made From Thefts of 10 Range Rovers Worth $740K

January 21, 2022
2 min read

PARAMUS - In September, a dealership security gate lock was cut open and stormed by thieves. After accessing a key lock box located outside of the building, the keys and the cars were stolen. Recent announcements were made that arrests were confirmed in relation to this case. The total value of the vehicles amounted to over $740,000.

What are you using for tracking and securing your keys at the dealership, service department, or rental car facility? If a standard key box or key cabinet is your current method, it may be wise to venture into other options for your business. Accountability can be enhanced with the KeyMaster reporting, 4K camera, and more. In current times of high crime and limited accountability, securing your keys is an important piece to your business. It can make or break a stolen car, lost key, lost customer, or something even worse.

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