Thieves Target Car Dealerships in Cleveland, Ohio

October 22, 2021
3 min read

CLEVELAND - Reported by a local Ohio PD, both an Audi and Maserati dealership were affected by recent break-ins that ended with damaged buildings, and stolen vehicles.

At the Audi dealership, a window was shattered, and the garage door was left open with two vehicles missing. The report does not detail where the keys were stored, or how they were stolen. Cabinets had been searched through, as well as the cash box opened, which was missing about $200 in cash.

On the same street, down the road at a Maserati dealership, service drive garage doors were damaged from a car driving into it. The door was crushed and partially hanging by its track. Thankfully, no vehicles appeared to have been stolen.

With the recent increase in crime across the country, what are you doing at your dealership to prevent stolen vehicles? If your keys are in a cabinet or a drawer, how easy is it for a thief to access them?

If you’re using a key management system, we highly recommend reviewing your process to ensure the keys are secure. If you’re considering an investment into a key system, 1Micro is here to help with the KeyMaster.

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